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Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Svetty is back on the Captain Bagrat Podcast show for the third time to talk about married life and joining the Nguyen tribe! We also touched on women issues and how men could be supported in a time of change where women's status is on the tip of every Australian politicians' tongue.

Svetlana first came on the podcast to address why Asian men should be admired both intellectually and sexually. Her yellow knight is exactly what she's been waiting for given Mr Nguyen's strong family values, and both families strong sense of belonging as 'boat people'.

Whether you migrated from Poland or Vietnam, their families share a similar story as refugees to what we know as the Lucky Country, Australia.

Since Svetlana's first podcast, she and her husband took a DNA test, her husband is 100% Vietnamese and she is a ‘cross-contamination’ of European!

Svetty also retells her husband’s vows, where ‘every ship needs a strong anchor’ and that she was his anchor.

Talk about romance!

Through out the podcast, Svetty and Madam Chan touched on some saucy and confronting topics about empowering women, toxicity of the patriarchal system, why domestic violence is so prevalent and why men should be open to the idea of support services.

Here's a rehash of Episode 92 available on Spotify, Applepodcasts and Googlepodcast:

Where to find the perfect husband?

Svetty talks about Nguyen as the perfect husband, being raised by a strong mother and sister influence, being very egalitarian with sharing housework.

Nguyen is the best example for all you men out there! And for all the women, since he’s taken, best to head to Shanghai, Ning Bo and Taiwan!

Why Women should have two husbands?

Rona has induced couples to break up, have babies or have brought them closer via marriage or long-term relationship.

On the note of marriage, a new study says that you should have an extra husband or 2, just in case! The study shows that women benefit more when having more husbands, while men don’t seem to benefit as much.

Romeo #2, I’m coming for you!

Domestic Violence

A young male Asian university student asked ‘How should I react to this girl who is beating me in every single class?’ Our best advice is to compete with yourself rather than others and don’t bring others down!

According to a new major research, Australian women who earn more than their partners are at a 35 per cent greater risk of domestic violence.

We would encourage all men to seek help and to talk it out with their partners or outside help.

Men who need help or if you know if a man needs support:

Mensline 1300 78 99 78

Australian Cabinet taskforce on Women status

ScoMo (aka Prime Minister Scott Morrison) has named a new cabinet taskforce on women’s equality, safety, economic security, health and wellbeing. The taskforce will be co-chaired by ScoMo and Marise Payne, the Minister for Women.

If your expectations are low, then there’s always room for improvement, right?


Check out Captain Bagrat’s latest episode 92 for more of our banter on Asia and Australia!

🔊Available on all major platforms ⚡️Google Podcasts⚡️ Anchor FM ⚡️Overcast ⚡️ Himalaya


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